New and Noteworthy

There's a lot happening in our little school! From special events and holiday celebrations to public notices, we’ve included all the latest news here on one page. Make it your first stop when you visit our website to ensure you are always aware of what’s happening at Spring Valley.

Mark Your Calendar!

Circus Day is Friday, April 26. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Monday through Friday students are welcome to attend. This fun-filled morning will include crafts, games, and goodies. As an added treat, the beloved Great Zucchini will visit. His hilarious performance is designed to entertain preschool audiences. To learn more, check out The Great Z's website. As a reminder, there will be no afternoon enrichment classes on Circus Day.

SVMA Spring Parent Cocktail Party

It’s time to secure a babysitter! The Spring Cocktail Party for current and future parents is on Friday, April 26. We will send invitations through Paperless Post.